2:08 pm
Yes. I sit here at this second level of a wide flat
With a glass of hot water in my hand
It has lemon for my cleansing,
And honey for my healing and freeing.
I am looking outside at tall trees
And I get their energy that frees,
There is no sting in this bee.
If you ask, I will say it is just me.
I see the strength of the Nandi Flame tree,
I say to you who plays in my teamColour me freedom!
Now you have got my nameThere is nothing to tame,
It is I, of the family of the Mugumo.
I long for your burning flame.
Colour this body I feel freedom
Colour me freedom in my bosom
Colour me freedom that does break
Colour me freedom when I wake
Colour me freedom in my choice
Colour me freedom when I sleepYes,
colour me freedom when I swim.
Yes, I sit here and see the middle of the trees,
You have heard me of the freedom that cries,
Colour me freedom like the eagle,
That swoops and hovers over the bugle,
Colour me freedom of that little bird black blue,
That hops from branch to branch without a please.
Colour me freedom when I leap,
Colour me freedom when I dance,
Colour me freedom all the time.
Yes, colour me freedom and you will find,
All I have is freedom in me,
Freedom of colour just the ad,
Freedom within me bought with blood.
Freedom of our people in one.
Colour me freedom so I grow,
Colour me freedom like a straw,
Colour me freedom in my voice,
I am freedom in my choice,
I will speak politically free.
Colour me freedom when I speak.
Colour me freedom where I live,
Wihout a landlady or lord,
Coming to give me blows so sad,
it is not her little money that I lack,
She will not stand the freedom of a woman,
Who says don’t paint me house am in.
She wants to colour me nose no freedom,
Firm is my no, she cannot take it,
I dare live on a tree.
Well she would if it came from a man,
But here I am without a ban
For couloured freedom is my name
Bearing freedom was I born.
Birthing freedom my mother’s crown.
So colour me freedom with my pen
Colour me freedom in my den,
Colour me that, colour me this,
None will stand it save the colour of my freedom.
Colour me the freedom of a victor!
Colour me freedom it’s our right!
This is a very interesting site. The content is very informative and I am so glad that I dropped by. Thanks!
Virginia Beach Roofing