The last time I spoke to Mumbi, a young mother and community organiser in Huruma, Kiamaiko slum area in Nairobi, she was distraught! Her friend Lilian -who read to us parts of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s speech "I have a Dream" in her mother tongue (Maragoli) at a tense time when Kenya was subjected to violence after the election of 2007,died all alone whilst in labour without help in her little room. Violence in the slums never stops. It is only that we only like to focus on killings of another type.
"I wish I knew what Lillian was going through. I wish I was there!,", Mumbi told me in tears, "I would have saved her life!". Mumbi suffered alot and still is. I tried to tell her it was not her fault but I also feel very hurt. Lilian died holding her dreams in her hands and writhing in pain. But now Mumbi is looking at life more critically as a community organiser. She sees things in a broaders sense. An interview with her will follow later on my pages. I wanted her to share her typical day's task and her life in Huruma so that we could send her some inspiration and hope. What would you like me to ask her or tell her? Please post to me. I am sure many of us are familiar with hard situations. For now, I would like to share what she sent me. I hope that you will be patient to follow Mumbi's story with me as she shares who was and what happened to her friend Lilian. These situations are common in many of the countries of the world and everyone I think should take note. It is not a problem of poor developing countries on their own because often the causes of dire poverty are shared or are rooted in better off countries.
Mumbi writes,
I am a community organizer and have been for years. What I think is based on my experiences as a community worker, meeting and coming across countless families in extreme distress, facing disease and death at a level that is hard to imagine for the middle class Nairobi community living comfortable lives driving posh vehicle you could imagine of.
Every week 5 to 10 pregnant women die in villages or local hospital during child birth and when performing abortion. Can you imagine by the end of the year how many women will have died, and not even one will be registered by the local media.
What would have happened if so many mothers “to- be” died in hospitals like Nairobi Hospital, Aga Khan, and mater hospital name it? I fail to understand. Do the lives of these poor women in poor communities have less value than those who have?
Women from poor communities who are the majority in the Kenya population need support, and I hope that their lives are valuable enough for us to put resources on the table to save them. I believe that Kenya has enough resources that can to solve the problems women in the grassroots are facing due to lack of proper facilities in government hospitals costing us loss of many lives unsafe abortion claiming many lives of young girls in our society.
How many millions of shillings have been pumped into failing parastatals over the past few years in order to save them from collapse? Why can’t our leaders do something similar to save large portions of humanity especially women and children from starvation, disease and death? Is this not an important cause to support?
Secondary education is beyond the reach of many poor women, if the girl child and others are not educated then how much poverty, violence and criminality will they cause as they grow into unhealthy lawless, uneducated adults? We feel it high time that our government should be held answerable of the unnecessary deaths of young women and girls on its failure to achieve on the millennium development goals that promote safe mother hood.
Report by Ruth mumbi bunge la mwananchi women chapter/kiamaiko young women
--- On Tue, 2/16/10, Mumbi Ruth
That was moving and so true.
ReplyDeleteHes no danger to anyone. She turned to her work. For instance, to spend it. And a great deal more. There was an edge of sharpness in his voice. That statement was issued in your name. I wouldnt think youd find them hard to deduce. She made a movement to rise.
ReplyDeleteHe gripped Tykirs hip, lest they both topple from the strength of his thrusts. With one last pat on Erikins arm, she left them to climb the staircase alone. Colors bled, and the stone trees melted into the floating water of the stream. But the vetriese… Irin paused. He hadnt used that soothing tone for many nights. They sat on the dusty floor of a wide cavern. She finished off her wine and set her goblet aside. Im here should you need me, he murmured, folding his legs underneath him. Her heart stopped at seeing him close after over a moon of avoiding him. Apologizing to her parents had been easier. Big fingers cupped her chin, tilted her face up. Kneeling in the middle of her mattress, she hurled a pillow at them. Does this mean you forgive me? Tykir fell forward, loosened hair falling forward from his half ponytail to caress her shoulders. She screamed, unconsciously tearing at his hair. She shivered at the feel of liquid warmth oozing out of her. The sapling, was it your idea? I was, for all intents and purposes, dead for an endless time. Sex is one thing —which he very well knew— actual children is another. She shivered, squeezing him tight.
ReplyDeleteHis lips parted ever so slightly, and she heard a soft sigh of breath expel. Dirt and grime smeared his skin, and his sleek hair was a knotted, tangled mess. Stay where you are. She wanted to be the one who took it in her mouth, pussy, or ass. The stone beneath her clutching fingers started to crumble. She matched his grin as he rose. She had neither seen nor asked after Tykir, Lanthan, nor Brevin. With his second shout, she released both his pleasure and the spell. Ive never been more proud of you. This hadnt been part of her agreement with Radin. One bright white brow arched high, and he cocked his head, considering. She threw another pillow, this time at Lanthan. A gasp puffed past her lips as Lanthan pressed a kiss just underneath her ear. Her jaw ached pleasantly from the way Brevin pried it open. Her body shuddered uncontrollably as heat ripped apart her spine. She turned her head to find Tykirs soft lips. Polite isnt a description Ive often heard for you. We enjoyed each other, but the whole aim was to see how Eyrhaen would react. Her race was born to breed. He watched, eyes hooded, as she climbed to her knees, then edged toward him.
ReplyDeleteFour downward sloping lines above either hip, then a thicker arch just over his navel. Given that theyd once been lovers, he would be more in tune to her feelings. His harsh words rode their storm, a garrote of meaning that made her gurgle. She even stood, with the vague intention of leaving the balcony. Eyes closed, she concentrated on breathing.
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